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რადიკალი: 130 - ამ რადიკალში არის: 101 კანჯი
0 ხაზი: | 肉 |
2 ხაზი: | 肋 肌 |
3 ხაზი: | 肓 肖 肘 肚 肛 肝 |
4 ხაზი: | 股 肢 肥 肩 肪 肭 肯 肱 育 肴 肺 |
5 ხაზი: | 胃 胄 胆 背 胎 胙 胚 胛 胝 胞 胡 胤 胥 |
6 ხაზი: | 胯 胱 胴 胸 胼 能 脂 脅 脆 脇 脈 脊 |
7 ხაზი: | 脚 脛 脣 脩 脱 脳 |
8 ხაზი: | 脹 脾 腋 腎 腐 腑 腓 腔 腕 |
9 ხაზი: | 腟 腥 腦 腫 腮 腰 腱 腴 腸 腹 腺 |
10 ხაზი: | 腿 膀 膂 膃 膊 膏 |
11 ხაზი: | 膚 膜 膝 膠 膣 |
12 ხაზი: | 膨 膩 膰 膳 膵 |
13 ხაზი: | 膺 膾 膿 臀 臂 臆 臈 |
14 ხაზი: | 臍 臑 臓 |
15 ხაზი: | 臘 |
16 ხაზი: | 臙 臚 |
18 ხაზი: | 臟 |
რადიკალის № | 130.5 |
რადიკალი | 肉 |
კანჯი |
ონჲომი | タイ |
კუნჲომი | არ აქვს |
დონე | ჯოოჲოო კანჯი |
მნიშვნელობა | საშვილოსნო |
- 胎 たい (არს.) საშვილოსნო
- 胎 はら (არს.) საშვილოსნო
- 胎仔 たいじ (არს. ზედ-ნო.) ემბრიონი, ჩანასახი
- 胎児 たいじ (არს.) ემბრიონი, ჩანასახი, ნაყოფი
- 堕胎 だたい (არს. ზმნ-სურუ.) აბორტი; ნაადრევი მშობიარობა, ორსულობის შეწყვეტა
- 堕胎医 だたいい (არს.) აბორტმახერი
- 堕胎罪 だたいざい (არს.) (იურ.) უკანონო აბორტი
აგ: 堕胎の罪
第二百十二条 妊娠中の女子が薬物を用い、又はその他の方法により、堕胎したときは、一年以下の懲役に処する。Article 212 When a pregnant woman causes her own abortion by drugs or any other means, imprisonment for not more than 1 year shall be imposed.(同意堕胎及び同致死傷)(Abortion with Consent; Causing Death or Injury)第二百十三条 女子の嘱託を受け、又はその承諾を得て堕胎させた者は、二年以下の懲役に処する。よって女子を死傷させた者は、三月以上五年以下の懲役に処する。Article 213 A person who, at the request of a woman or with her consent, causes her abortion, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 2 years. If the person thereby causes the death or injury of the woman, the person shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 3 months but not more than 5 years.(業務上堕胎及び同致死傷)(Abortion through Professional Conduct; Causing Death or Injury)第二百十四条 医師、助産師、薬剤師又は医薬品販売業者が女子の嘱託を受け、又はその承諾を得て堕胎させたときは、三月以上五年以下の懲役に処する。よって女子を死傷させたときは、六月以上七年以下の懲役に処する。Article 214 When a physician, midwife, pharmacist or pharmaceuticals distributor, at the request of a woman or with her consent, causes her abortion, imprisonment for not less than 3 months but not more than 5 years shall be imposed. If such person thereby causes the death or injury of the woman, imprisonment for not less than 6 months but not more than 7 years shall be imposed.(不同意堕胎)(Abortion without Consent)第二百十五条 女子の嘱託を受けないで、又はその承諾を得ないで堕胎させた者は、六月以上七年以下の懲役に処する。Article 215 (1) A person who, without the request of the woman or her consent, causes her abortion shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 6 months but not more than 7 years.2 前項の罪の未遂は、罰する。(2) An attempt of the crime prescribed under the preceding paragraph shall be punished.(不同意堕胎致死傷)(Abortion without Consent Causing Death or Injury)第二百十六条 前条の罪を犯し、よって女子を死傷させた者は、傷害の罪と比較して、重い刑により処断する。Article 216 A person who commits the crime prescribed under the preceding Article and thereby causes the death or injury of the woman shall be dealt with by the punishment prescribed for either the crimes of injury or the preceding Article, whichever is greater. - 多胎分娩 たたいぶんべん (არს.) მრავალი ბავშვის გაჩენა, მრავალი ბავშვის შობა (ორის, სამის და.ა.შ.)
- 母胎 ぼたい (არს.) საშვილოსნო 1